Weight Watchers Bowling Green Ky

Weight Watchers Bowling Green Ky

Hot Yoga News and Happenings


November Pose of the Month (8-angle)

Why Hot Yoga Classes?



No, you won't be forced into contortionist positions. The heat will allow you to safely reach new levels of personal flexibility in beginner's postures, which is therapeutic for your body. Plus, let's be honest, being flexible is cool.



Your own body is your gym. This yoga is low impact and uses muscles you didn't know you had — trying standing in a wide lunge for Triangle poseon carpet andnot sliding! Also, a prime focus is on spine strength, which is key to a long healthy life!



The heated room helps you to stretch more and get your cardio, but it also helps yousweat. The yoga postures themselves are detoxifying for your muscles, organs, and glands and the sweating from the heat intensifies the detoxification process.



The primary purpose of this yoga is therapy. With a regular practice, these postures can help to heal old injuries and also prevent them in the future. This is especially true for, but not limited to, back pain. Don't skip the postures that are slightly uncomfortable. Hot Yoga is also known to reduce symptoms of conditions and illnesses including diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, arthritis and obesity.

Featured Courses


Looking to take your yoga practice to the next level?  Consider these courses to help you get the most out of your practice!

RYT200 Training Starts in January – Price increases Dec 1st

Personal Yoga Instruction

About Hot Yoga Bowling Green

We at Hot Yoga Bowling Green are dedicated to your success!  Our teachers put in countless hours on the mat, preparing for a GREAT class!

Our Status in Numbers

Teacher personal practice hours

in studio on the mat

Teacher instruction hours

in studio


Ready to start your practice?

We have a range of classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, and each class offers both advancements and ways to modify the yoga poses so that you can customize the class to your fitness level.  Join us today and see how hot yoga can help you!

  • "The studio is clean, beautiful and calm. There is a vibe that is very pleasant without being in-your-face. The asana practice leaves you feeling mentally calm and positive and physically challenged and energized.

    It was the first time I had understood why my friends converted to yoga from working out at a gym. I had previously thought it was too "crunchy granola" and the people who practiced yoga with dedication (at least the people I encountered) were jumping on the bandwagon of the latest fitness "trend". I also thought if you were going to work out, if you were motivated to finally move and do something active, that yoga didn't count as real exercise. The holding of the poses and such — whenever I did it I felt like a phony. With Hot Yoga, my long-held opinions were radically REVERSED. It was certainly energetic… I most certainly felt I had done a lot of aerobic work while at the same time I felt very stretched out and limber. I felt GREAT. I felt I had accomplished something, and I exercised and had FUN. Those two words never used to go together."

    ico-stones - David K.,"typical guy" (33)

  • "I wanted to express how grateful I am that you have brought Hot Yoga to this area. I admit that when my daughter told me she had gone to a yoga class that was done in a room that was heated to over 100 degrees, I told her that it did not sound like fun to me. She said that it was one of the hardest things she had ever done, that she felt great after it was over and she couldn't wait until the next class. Well, now I understand. I also feel great after each class and I look forward to the next class.

    I chose to attempt the challenge of a class EVERY day because I knew that I wanted to be at Hot Yoga daily, or as much as I could possibly be there. It was a challenge, but not because of the yoga — that was the easy part. The challenge was in rearranging my daily schedule to include about 2 hours (plus drive time of an hour each way) that was devoted to MYSELF. The rewards have been worth the effort. To say that I feel healthier is such an understatement. Each class has and continues to infuse me with a renewed sense of strength and purpose.

    Now, I know that feeling good is important, but let's look at the rewards that are more concrete: In my case, high blood pressure seems to be a genetic concern. I've had 3 close family members to suffer massive strokes before the age of 60 — my father died at the age of 56. For the last four years my blood pressure has been rising each year, despite anything I tried. Since beginning Hot Yoga, my blood pressure has dropped from 152/92 to 110/74 within six weeks. I have waited a couple of weeks and rechecked it, and it is STILL down. There are other lab values that have improved also. My glucose level is down, and my triglycerides are down by 30 points.

    As a nurse, I am still digesting this news, and am overwhelmed with the power of Hot Yoga. It has exceeded any expectations I had. I believe that Hot Yoga is a very valuable tool for maintaining one's health — emotionally, physically and spiritually. I, or course, tell everyone I know about Hot Yoga. I continually tell everyone that if I can do this at age 49, overweight and , yes, "out of shape", anyone can do it and reap great benefits. And to think I began Hot Yoga with the intention of not feeling so stiff and aching in all my joints on a daily basis, which by the way is much improved. Again, thank you Hot Yoga!"

    ico-duo-pole-fish - CarolynNurse (50 something)

  • "Two months ago, I succumbed to my curiosity and joined a friend to experience Hot Yoga. I have been a cross-trainer for some time and in preparation for going back on tour felt my various workouts were lacking something. Hot Yoga truly is all encompassing! Mind, body and soul are the focus areas for successful golf, and you are able to give them all a workout at the same time in Hot Yoga. The classes provide the ability to work your mind and body as hard or as easy as you like. The soul benefits from the challenge and incremental improvement that is certain to follow. The instructors are fantastic and able to add value to every client regardless of skill level. Everyone was welcoming and extremely helpful to this beginner.

    I have experienced many nagging injuries over the years, and recently spent two months in conventional rehabilitation for a neck injury that provided minimal improvement. This last month of regular sessions at Hot Yoga Bowling Green has allowed me to build strength and be pain free! If there are any golfers that fight problems with the back, shoulders and neck and are tired of dosing the ibuprofen before they tee it up, save your stomach and try it ! Your body will thank you and it will add distance to your drives. It has for me! Tony and Anice, thank you … I look forward to your classes — a true pleasure."

    ico-flower-stones - DavidTouring Professional Golfer (40 something)

  • "I had spent 20 years exercising in gyms, running, and playing ball. But after several knee surgeries and lower back issues, my wife encouraged me to try Hot Yoga in 2007. So, I began taking classes and learning about yoga. Although I learned quickly that I preferred a physically demanding and slow-paced practice, Hot Yoga Bowling Green offers a diversity of classes (Bikram, Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga,…) and I learned to change routines based on what I needed.

     1700 classes and 7 years later, I am still realizing the benefits every day of greater flexibility, balance, strength, and cleansing. There have certainly been some long-term benefits for me as well: I lost 40 lbs. in 2008 and have kept it off. I used to treat sinusitis and bronchitis (twice/year) with antibiotics, but have not been back to the doctor for treatment since beginning yoga. And yoga has been important to me as a great antidote to stress."

    ico-yoga-practice - Warren Guyerentrepreneur and family man

  • "A few years ago,  just after birthday number 51, I made a very smart move. I went to Hot Yoga Bowling Green. At that point in my life, my knees were buckling from the pain of arthritis, I had overall body stiffness, back pain from 4 herniated discs, hip numbness and pain from a pinched nerve, and heart palpitations.

    Because of these symptoms, I had to give up running and step aerobics and wasn't really sure what I would do to remain active. Hot Yoga was a perfect match for me. Although I cannot execute every posture full out, I still reap unbelievable benefits from trying . Hot Yoga is a total body workout (cardio, strength, flexibility and balance).

    During the past 2 years of practicing Hot Yoga I have experienced numerous benefits. Some were immediate and some occurred over time as I realized my potential and applied modifications. The most immediate benefit occurred after only 1 WEEK of Hot Yoga – my heart palpitations completely stopped! I thank the "eagle" posture for that!

    During the months that followed, I experienced other improvements as well – improved flexibility (which also improved my muscular strength), much greater balance (I was "hopping" all over my mat those first few weeks!) , decreased back and knee pain (due to improved posture, stronger abs and supporting muscles in back and legs) , great stamina (I noticed this in my swimming, biking and hiking), and much improved ability to achieve a relaxed state 🙂 Practicing Hot Yoga has conditioned me to take that deep cleansing breath when I am irritated or anxious and my body relaxes quickly, automatically. It is a learned response from practicing Hot Yoga.

    We are very fortunate to have the Hot Yoga studio in Bowling Green, and even more fortunate to have such awesome instructorS. They show you how to modify if that's what is needed or how to amp it up to the next level… if that's what is appropriate for you. They allow their students to practice at their own level. Hot Yoga will always be a part of my life!"

    ico-yoga-temple - JanFamily Counselor

  • "I am happier and in better shape than I have ever been in my life, and I owe much of this success to HOT YOGA Bowling Green!

    When I first started practicing about a year and a half ago, I was 25 pounds heavier and definitely physically and mentally weaker. I thought when I first entered the studio: "Seriously!.. it's HOT!" — and I never thought I would make it. Now I am absolutely addicted and LOVE to sweat it out whenever I get the chance!

    The feelings of calm, substance, success and thankfulness at the end of each class keep me coming back religiously. I also love the opportunity to quiet my mind and focus on the many blessings in my life.

    For those of you thinking about giving it a try, I say, "What are you waiting for?!" It's so much more than just a workout, but on the other hand it is the best workout you will ever experience ( p.s. — you will begin to sleep like a baby with regular practice, too ).

    Also, for those who are seriously trying to shed pounds, I suggest the fat-melting combo of Hot Yoga and Weight Watchers. Yes, I said Weight Watchers — because the program teaches how to eat healthy and in proper portions. Then, leave it to Hot Yoga to sculpt that sexy body that was under all those extra pounds!

    I love seeing new faces and successes in the studio, and I would love to share my testimonial with anyone … even the worst skeptics! My best advice for would-be Hot Yoga practitioners is to remain focused on your body and concentrate on your breathing. Pretend no one else is in the room and you're on your way!"

    ico-zen - TrinityWKU & Florida State staff — Hot Yoga Success Story!

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Hot Yoga Class Fees

Special Student rates are available for those with a student id.  Just click on the tabs below to see your rates.

  • Regular Rate
  • Student Rate
  • Gift Cards

Regular Rate

Regular Rates



Eager to try hot yoga classes?  Come on in, we will get you set up!  Check out the link for new members  – you'll need a mat, yoga towel and water, but we can supply all of that too.


1st Week (Consecutive) Unlimited

The day of purchase starts your 7 consecutive days.  This is a great way to try hot yoga, and sample different classes and teachers.

5 - 50 classes. Choose the one that best fits you.

by the Class

Buy a class pack and use anytime within the assigned time period.  This is a great option for those who aren't quite ready for the unlimited package.  Check our corporate sponsors at the bottom of the page to see if your employer qualifies for a 10% discount.

  • 05- Classes  (expires 30 days) 69.00
    10- Classes  (expires 90 days) 129.00
    25- Classes  (expires 180 days) 249.00
    50- Classes  (expires 360 days) 449.00

Come as often as you like

Unlimited Packages

Looking for results, the unlimited packages are your best resource.  Come as often as you like, or as often as you need to, but be forewarned: Yoga is addictive!

01- Month Unlimited 139.00
03- Month Unlimited 349.00
06- Month Unlimited(Regular Rate $649 /Save $100) 549.00
12- Month Unlimited (Regular Rate $1200 / Save $200) 999.00
12- Month Couples Unlimited (Regular Rate $1999 / Save $400) 1599.00

Student Rate

Student Rates

Must be a full-time student (12 hours or more) or a Senior Citizen (over 65 years young) to qualify for these rates.


Walk-In - Student Rate

Eager to try hot yoga classes?  Come on in, we will get you set up!  Check out the link for new members  – you'll need a mat, yoga towel and water, but we can supply all of that too.


1st Week (Consecutive) Unlimited - Student Rate

The day of purchase starts your 7 consecutive days.  This is a great way to try hot yoga, and sample different classes and teachers.

5 - 50 classes. Choose the one that best fits you.

by the Class - Student Rate

Buy a class pack and use anytime within the assigned time period.  This is a great option for those who aren't quite ready for the unlimited package.  Check our corporate sponsors at the bottom of the page to see if your employer qualifies for a 10% discount.

  • 05- Classes  (expires 30 days) 40.00
    10- Classes  (expires 90 days) 79.00
    25- Classes  (expires 180 days) 189.00
    50- Classes  (expires 360 days) 365.00

Come as often as you like

Unlimited Packages - Student Rate

Looking for results, the unlimited packages are your best resource.  Come as often as you like, or as often as you need to, but be forewarned: Yoga is addictive!

01- Month Unlimited 69.00
03- Month Unlimited 199.00
06- Month Unlimited 395.00
12- Month Unlimited 749.00

Gift Cards

To purchase gift cards, classes, or class packages for yourself or someone else… click the link below, then click on "Purchase Classes & Gift Cards" at top of the page & follow directions.  Thank you for your support of Hot Yoga Bowling Green!

If you encounter any difficulties, please email studio owner Andrea Forsythe for any assistance.

hotyogabowlinggreen@yahoo.com   — or — contact Andrea  270-535-7840

If you have a class card and have a no show/late cancel the system will deduct a class from your class card as used.


Yes, if you're enjoying some walk-in single classes for some time, or just one time…we have fresh, clean and sanitized yoga mats and fluffy soft towels which you can rent each visit. Mat rental, $3. Towel rental, $2. All are washed/sanitized after every use, of course! You may borrow a face towel or washcloth for use during your visit at no charge.



We at HOT YOGA BOWLING GREEN provide various services to the nature of the clients.   Let us know how we can assist you while you are here with us at the studio.


Hatha Yoga

In Sanskrit,Hatha means force.  Hatha describes any kind of yoga where poses (asanas) are practiced, this would include Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Iyengar yoga to name a few popular styles.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, "Hatha yoga is stretching your boundaries a little bit. We define our boundaries and stay there. Hatha yoga says, okay stretch a little bit. Extend your boundary, little by little."


Barkan Method

Barkan Method Yoga Classes Are Practiced In A Heated Room To Stretch And Strengthen Various Areas Of The Body Practicing the Barkan Method of hot yoga in a heated room assists muscles, tendons and ligaments in becoming more flexible and resilient, thus restoring the body to optimal health while internally eliminating toxins and poisons. Discover a greater range of motion and balance in your life.  The Method, created by Jimmy Barkan consists of 5 set vinyasa's followed by static postures.


Vinyasa Yoga

Often referred to as "flow" yoga this series consists of postures stacked together that incorporate body to breath movement.  Most all classes vary in vinyasa yoga and are never the exact same.  By connecting breath and movement this practice increases intention, awareness and overall body balance.


Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice.  Yin Yoga considered the perfect complement to Yang (more active styles) of yoga as it creates internal awareness and calm.  Although Yin Yoga is considered very passive due to the postures being held for extended periods the practice can be very challenging physically and mentally.  It is suitable for all levels of yogis.

Weight Watchers Bowling Green Ky

Source: https://hotyogabowlinggreen.com/

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